Aviation Accidents
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Experienced Accident Attorneys
You travel all the time and, like most airline passengers, you brush off the safety tutorial at the beginning of your flight as a formality. But this time you wish you had paid attention. Suddenly, you are one of the infrequent, yet tragic victims of a plane crash. You survive but you’re badly injured, you can’t work and the medical bills are piling up. You need help.
Depending on the size and severity of the aviation accident, it may be important to hire an attorney to represent you. An attorney can help ensure that you are treated fairly following an accident, can help you work through the insurance claim process, and can represent you if you decide to take legal action against the pilot, manufacturer or other parties.
Even though there are strict standards governing aircraft design, inspection, maintenance, pilot evaluation and training, fatal plane crashes often happen through negligence. The pilot, crews, maintenance personnel, and even the airline management, or those responsible for the aircraft’s design and manufacturing could be responsible.

Evidence From All Possible Areas is Evaluated When Reviewing Aviation Cases, Including:
Flight data recorders
Cockpit voice recorders
Air traffic control records
Crash photos
Maintenance and inspection records
Flight plans
Crew training records
Aircraft operation, procedures, and maintenance manuals